
Pokemon World

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SketchySeraph's avatar
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Literature Text

(Man to Eevee)
(Woman to Eevee)

Leah and Patrick Wallace grinned to one another, looking down at the job application that lay before them. TransFun had set up a new amusement park, and they’d applied for some of the most prestigious positions.

Of course, when their friends had heard of the openings, they’d thought Leah and Patrick had applied to be zookeepers, sales reps, or possibly even maintenance workers. Little did they realize that Leah and Patrick had signed up to be exhibits. It was a special opportunity for people who applied early for the positions and showed enough enthusiasm for the job, and for the new park: Pokémon World.

Apparently TransFun had spent a fortune to acquire the rights to market the park, and while Nintendo still held all merchandising and game rights, the transformation company could be in business. Visitors could sign up for vacations as their favorite Pocket Monster, have Pokémon battles among themselves, or simply just enjoy a safari like no other.

And, of course, this park needed exhibits, and it was soon flooded with requests. The biggest draw was the pay. Feeding and cleaning costs were deducted from the exhibit’s salary, but that was more than worth the gift of being paid to be transformed. Better yet, TransFun even paid housing costs to make sure exhibits could return to their old homes if they ever decided to leave.

Leah and Patrick had barely needed any more selling points than that, and they’d enclosed cartridges of their Pokémon games in their application letter, showing off their completed Pokédexes. To their surprise, the response had returned to them within a day, containing all of their games and also a pair of TransFun serums.

Now, the two siblings read their acceptance letter with a growing sense of joy.


‘Dear Mr. and Mrs. Wallace,


We thank you for your interest in our company, and we’re more than glad to see that you’ve an interest in the source material. You two are particularly lucky to have such a gift for the game, and so we’ve included a pair of serums we think will delight you.

We noticed that of all of your Pokémon you’ve used Eevee the most, and so we hope you’re pleased with us hiring you as Exhibit 133, our pair of Eevees. Please take the serums at your soonest convenience, as they will serve as an acceptance to this proposal.


We hope to work with you soon!

Pokémon World’


“Oh my God.” Leah spoke aloud for the first time since they’d received the letter. “Oh. My. God!” She squeaked, pulling out the pink-topped serum happily.

Her brother held up a hand, his lips silently moving as he finished the application. Then he looked up to her with a huge grin on his face too. “No way. Is this a dream?”

“God, I hope it isn’t; and if it is, don’t wake me!” Leah chirped, hugging her vial to her chest. It was even shaped like a pink Poké Ball, and she pet it happily.

Patrick beamed at her as he pulled out his blue Poké Ball, moving to uncork the little top at its front.

“W-wait!” Leah held up her hands. “What about taking care of things first?”

Patrick blinked, pausing his motion. “Things?”

“I mean… You know, the fridge has food that will go bad, we probably should take out the garbage, our dishes need doing…” Leah counted on her fingers as she listed off their checklist for making sure their apartment stayed in order.

Patrick laughed at his sister, poking her forehead teasingly. She really was cute when she was trying to be responsible.

“H-hey! What’s that for?” Leah rubbed her forehead gingerly, pouting as she looked up to Patrick.

“Because it’s in the contract.” Patrick grinned. “They have housekeeping services, and while we did rent our apartment out to them, they’ve assured me we’ll return home to find it just as we left it.”

Leah laughed disbelievingly. “And how do they propose to do that?” She wanted to believe it, but it sounded too good to be true! That said, Patrick was the more business-minded of the two. If anyone had been able to get them such a dream deal, it’d be him.

“Magic?” Patrick winked, swirling his Poké Ball for effect. “They are offering to transform us into Pokémon, you know. I’m willing to take them at face value on this.”

“Oh.” Leah flushed. He made a very, very good point. The girl looked down to the small orb in her hands with a smile and a pounding heart. “Then… Is it really okay for us to drink these? Like, right now?”

Patrick uncorked his with a smile, clinking it against Leah’s. “Be my guest.” He winked at her and held his serum up to his lips, waiting for her to quaff hers first.

Leah did, happily humming as the soothing liquid trailed down her throat. It was good; it was very good! She hummed contentedly as a tingling sensation filled her throat, and the girl eagerly stretched herself out as she felt the onset of change wash over her.

“Oh my God, TransFun has always been great, but this is… It’s sublime!” Leah purred, her arms and legs beginning to itch. She shivered happily, watching as a soft and luxurious coat of brown fur trailed along her arms. She pet them idly, looking up to her brother in time to see him finishing his own drink.

Then, much to Leah’s surprise, Patrick yelped, leaping forward as a long and fluffy tail sprouted from his backside. It was like watching something on the nature channel; seeing a time-lapse shot. His tai grew out longer and longer, getting thicker and bushier by the second.

“E-every change is different, right?” Patrick laughed a little nervously, looking back up to her with a nervous grin. He hadn’t anticipated his changes to start with his favorite part of an Eevee!

His eyes widened mischievously as the thought of the Pokémon gave him an idea, and he looked to his sister with a grin. “Or should I say… Eevee change is different?”

This time it was Leah’s turn to flick her brother on the forehead. Or rather, she’d intended to do that. But her shortening fingers and plumping palms made the gesture more into bopping him on the nose with a Pokémon’s paw.

Leah yelped, pulling her paw away to see Patrick’s nose was already turning black. Had she bruised him? She didn’t think she’d hit him that hard! Then she realized that his nose was actually turning darker, becoming the soft and spongy nose of an animal.

Patrick blinked in confusion at the look on his sister’s face. She looked like she’d seen a ghost after she tapped him on the nose, but then what could be the cause of it?

He had his answer soon enough, his nose beginning to push out from his face in a manner that tingled his sinuses. “O-oh!” He yelped in surprise. “I think I’m getting a muzzle!”

The changing boy gave his sister a grin, his thoughts beginning to lighten and feel more bubbly. Patrick couldn’t quite explain it, but it was a lot like when he’d taken a puppy serum. There was some innate playfulness about this change that was making him feel easily excitable and overly eager.

Patrick crossed his eyes, his right hand gently pawing at his stretching cheeks as he watched his face stretch out, his nose now coming into clear view of his eyes even as it flattened out on his new snout.

Leah watched all of this with jealousy, crossing her furry arms with a cute huff. Why did he get to have a muzzle first? The immature thought sank into her head, and she glared at the sound of his delighted giggle, her brother playing more with his muzzle.

Then, to her surprise, his laughter started to grow louder in her ears. The girl raised a hand to the side of her head, hoping that they too were beginning to change. She was rewarded with the feeling of a furry appendage extending well past the side of her head, and the girl chirped with happiness.

She was going to get Eevee ears! The giddy thought tore all jealousy from her mind, and she cupped her lengthening ears in her paws, bringing them down to her cheeks so she could nuzzle them again and again. The fur there was so soft and luxurious that she just couldn’t help but feel more of it.

With a pleased purr, Leah rolled onto her side. She wanted to have more fur; she wanted to be even bushier!

Her wish was granted as a tingling sensation spread across her chest, and the girl squeaked as she saw creamy hairs extending from her skin. These were her longest hairs yet, looking even longer than the ones that adorned her brother’s tail. With a delighted yelp, Leah realized she was growing the distinctive collar of an Eevee.

She looked up at her brother to tell him the good news, only to guffaw as she saw how oversized his clothes looked on him. He must have been shrinking while she was getting furrier; he looked like a kid in adult’s clothing!

Patrick pursed his Pokémon lips as he looked at his sister curiously, his eyes darkening and widening on his face. “What’s so funvee?” He asked, his tail flicking from side to side curiously. “And when did you get so big?”

To his chagrin, Leah only laughed harder. “You are, sillvee! You’re getting so cute and tineev!” She giggled as Patrick looked down at himself.

He yelped in surprise, his shorts now hanging around his ankles like they were excessively baggy pants. His shirt covered his modesty, but judging from the tingling sensation that was creeping up his body, he wouldn’t be needing clothes much longer.

The young boy giggled joining in with Leah. “I seevee! No wonder theevees feevee so bigvee!” He chirped, his hands flying to his throat. “Siseev! Eevee los-vee vee-oice! Eevee!” He chirped his new species name aloud as his eyebrows thickened on his face and thick, rich fur grew to cover his cheeks.

“I know! It’s cute! Eevee!” Leah yipped happily, her rear wagging despite not having a tail. Her own eyebrows began to lengthen on her head, her cheeks puffing up slightly as long and lush hairs grew from her every pore.

“Beevee Eevee waneevee eevee! Eevee?” Patrick blinked, tilting his head to the left and unconsciously twitching one of his ears as he felt an urge to play run along his body. “Vee! Eevee!” He chirped, looking excitedly back up to his sister. His ears grew longer and longer as he chirped his name, his eyes glittering with a sense of childlike wonder.

“Eevee eevee eevee vee vee eevee!” He yelped, struggling to free himself from his clothes so that he could tackle and nuzzle and play with his sister.

Unfortunately, it was like trying to untangle himself from the sheets after a night of tossing and turning, a situation only made worse from the fact that his hands were now becoming paws.

Patrick looked down accusingly to his paws, watching as his thumbs and pinkies sank back into his hands. He stuck his tongue out at them, then looked back up to Leah pleadingly, hoping she could help him. “Veevee!” He whined loudly, like a kitten mewling for its mother.

Leah laughed at how cute her brother looked, feeling her own body begin to shrink around herself. Her clothes felt a little funny on her changing form, so she simply slipped them off, slinking out of her tube top and skirt.

The lack of sleeves coupled with her own body beginning to shrink made it simpler for her, and the girl rose to stand and walk over to her sibling. But with each wobbling step she took, she found a bipedal stance to be more and more uncomfortable.

The girl looked down to her feet in confusion, gasping as she saw that she now had paws. Then her thigs began to bulk up, her hips cracking and popping to send her to a four-footed posture.

Leah sank comfortably to all fours, purring as her spine popped behind her. It was like someone was giving her a deep-seated massage that had the added benefit of making her into a Pokémon! The girl churred happily, wriggling her backside in the air as a final, loud pop emanated from the square of her back.

“Veevee!” Patrick whined again, returning Leah’s attention to her brother. How could she forget about him? He was her favorite playmate! She guiltily lowered her ears to her head, crawling over to him.

Patrick’s pouty sulk was shattered the instant he saw Leah beginning to move closer to him again. “Eev!” He chirped, tilting his small head to one side and twitching his ears encouragingly. He smiled at her cutely, his tail wagging madly as she got next to him.

Leah paused, looking at the clothes; then down to her paws. How exactly was she supposed to untangle her brother from these messy human clothes? Then it struck her in a flash of instinct-fueled inspiration.

The girl felt her teeth sharpen in her mouth as she tilted her head forward, grabbing the collar of his shirt. Then she started to back up on all fours, pulling it off of him with a faint growl trembling from her throat.

As she pulled, her face pulled as well, giving her a far more animal-like lilt. She didn’t notice, too focused on extricating her brother from his cotton plight. The girl’s jaw cracked and popped as it became a muzzle, and she found her arms snapping as well, reshaping into those of a Pokémon and making her task even simpler.

Patrick’s eyes widened as he saw his sister’s face stretch, and her offered her nose a happy, encouraging lick. It darkened as he licked it and he squeaked happily, flicking his slightly longer tongue out against her muzzle again and again. He wanted to change her more; wanted to make her feel as good as he was feeling!

As he leaned in closer to his sister, his own arms and legs reshaped to make his stance more comfy. Patrick purred excitedly, licking her furry muzzle and offering yips of encouragement. She could do it; he knew she could! “Eevee! Vee! Eev, eev!”

Leah growled to herself lightly, wriggling her backside as she prepared to put all of her energy into this one last tug. Then, summoning all of the strength in her small body, she pulled back with a loud yelp, accidentally sending Patrick tumbling from his clothes while also sending her rolling backwards.

The shirt fluttered to the floor between them, and Leah whimpered as she rubbed the back of her head with a soft paw. “Veevee…” She whined, leaning on her back against her counter. Then a tingling sensation came from the base of her spine, and she squeaked loudly with pleasure.

“Eev! Eev!” It felt like someone was tugging on her spine from below, pulling it out as one would mold clay. She knew that it could only mean one thing, and the Eevee-to-be placed her paws on her cheeks happily, her eyes glittering as they widened with awe.

A long and furry tail slowly snaked its way from her backside, flicking to and fro as though it was tasting the air. She watched it flump from side to side, purring happily at the sight of her growing appendage, yipping as she realized it wasn’t done growing yet.

Sure enough, her new tail stretched out longer and longer; and then, just like that, she found herself with an overly bushy tail of her own. “Eev! Eev!” She chirped again, rolling to all fours and admiring the poofy tail behind her proudly.

She looked back to her brother in time to see his reaction, only to see the last bits of his physical transformation run across his body. His whole form coated itself in fur, then a lighter coat developed around his neck, growing thick and floofy.

“Veevee!” He whined, trying to paw down the soft fur. But it was barely and use, and he instead shook it out, choosing to accentuate the fluff instead.

Their bodies fully changed, the two Eevees looked at one another excitedly, chirping their names again and again. Their minds began to run smoother now, a gentle coursing flowing through their brains and washing out all human thought as it went.

They weren’t people; they were Pokémon! They were perfect Eevees who wanted to be pampered and pet and to play all day, loving the attention they’d get at their new exhibit! The Eevees’ thoughts bubbled as they simplified to being a pair of cute cubs’, and the two bounced around one another, playing eagerly.

Then an overwhelming feeling of tiredness sank across them, and before the two knew what was going on, they were fast asleep, snuggled up against one another.

When they awoke the next day, they found themselves in unfamiliar surroundings. Or rather, they found themselves in a place that was oddly alien despite feeling in their hearts like it was home.

Leah twitched an ear, her nose sniffing at the air as she looked at the grassland around her. It was a neat field, and the Eevee part of her brain reminded her that this was her enclosure; that she was supposed to be here along with her brother—her brother!

“Eev! Eevee!” Leah yipped, spinning in search of her sibling. Her nose picked up his scent before her eyes found him, and she stopped her circles as she found him by a small pond, his eyes shut as he gently lapped at the surface of the water.

Patrick had no idea that fresh water could taste so good, so refreshing! It was like all of the aches and pains in his life were simply melting away, leaving him with this bubbly and free sensation in his body. He slurped at it again, enjoying the taste too much to pay attention to the scampering sounds his ears were picking up.


A brown blur tackled him, hugging onto Patrick as he rolled away from his watering hole. He yelped in surprise, only to stare with wide, excited eyes at his sister.

“Vee!” Leah chirped, licking her brother’s face. How could Patrick wake up without waking his sister up? Was that water really so good?

Curiosity took hold of her Eevee brain, and Leah bounced off of her brother to lap at the still liquid.

It was delicious! It was like she was having the best drink of her life! The girl lapped more at it, her tail wagging behind her excitedly. This water was really good, no wonder Patrick had fallen for it so! She might not do anything for the rest of her day aside for drink!

A paw on her flank broke her train of thought, and Leah looked up to see Patrick smiling at her from behind his muzzle.

“Vee. Ee, vee.” And just like that, he darted away from her, yipping softly with laughter.

Leah caught the meaning of his words clear enough: Tag, she was it! She didn’t want to be it, she wanted him to be it! “Veevee!” Leah yelped with a pout, springing to all fours and giving chase through the soft grass of her new habitat.

Patrick was fast, but she was faster! Leah bounded after her brother on all fours, her heart pounding with excitement. She was going to catch him, she was going to catch him!

Patrick looked back to find Leah hot on his heels. “Vee!” He yelped, his running as quickly as he could. He could feel her breath on his tail, and the Eevee yelped, closing his eyes as he scampered faster and faster, trying to turn his body into a brown blur that he knew she couldn’t keep up with.

To his surprise, the feeling of her on his tail abated, and he could hear her let out a loud “Veevee!” Behind him as he outpaced her. Perfect! He was winning! Patrick opened his eyes, looking back to see her far behind him. He was win—

The male Eevee looked before him to see find the wall of his enclosure right ahead of him. Then, with a loud thump, he ran headfirst into it, whining loudly as stars and small ducks filled his vision. Patrick clutched at the top of his head, feeling the bump with a whimper.

Then he felt a paw on his tummy, and he looked up to see Leah smirking down at him. “Vee. Ee, vee.” She nipped at his nose and licked his sore head tenderly, her tail stroking his, Then, once she was sure he was fine, the Eevee bounced from him, yipping eagerly for him to follow.

Patrick bounded to all fours and was just about to give chase when an overpowering smell assailed his nostrils. It was like he was in a bakery with all of his favorite sweets, and he could tell from the way Leah stiffened, she smelled it too.

The two Eevees looked up to see a young brunette laughing at them as she entered their enclosure. She was a shapely young woman with a TransFun vest on, and—more importantly—a platter of what looked like cupcakes in her hands.

“Hey guys! I’m Gwen, and I’ll be your new zookeeper!” She knelt down, putting two of the puffs out for the Pokémon.

Patrick and Leah didn’t need any more invitation than that. They bounced over to the Poképuffs, hungrily chomping down on the muffins, frosting first.

Leah chewed on hers thoughtfully, her eyes widening and her pupils dilating as a flavorful wealth of sensations bloomed in her mouth. It was like her sweetest taste buds had fallen in love, gotten engaged, and were now on their way to the chapel to get married!

The girl munched more on her puff, devouring it whole and looking up to the zookeeper with wide eyes. “Eev! Eevee eev!” She bounced up and down, her eyes sparkling.

“Okay, just a few more.” The woman chuckled, holding out another treat with one hand as her other moved to pet Leah behind her head.

Leah chewed and purred, her tail flicking from side to side behind her as she munched on the puff happily. This was heaven! She nuzzled into her trainer’s pets, a blush creeping across her cheek as she settled into deeper and deeper pleasure.

Patrick looked on jealously, yipping to get Gwen’s attention. “Veevee!” He pouted, his mouth hanging open as he awaited another treat.

Gwen smiled at him as she pulled out another treat. “Want it? Ask nicely, boy.”

Patrick pouted, but reluctantly drooped his ears. “Vee, ee eevee.” He blushed, closing his eyes and opening his mouth.

His muzzle was full a second later as Gwen popped a whole treat in his mouth, and he hurriedly caught it in his paws, scarfing it down and whimpering happily. He rolled onto his back as he ate, and the zookeeper trailed her fingers along his soft tummy as he did.

“Who’s a good boy?” She asked, petting his belly.

“Eev!” He chirped happily, his eyes shut as he munched more on the muffin.

“Who’s a good boy?”

“Eevee, eevee!” He yelped, his tail wagging as she hit a sensitive spot.

“Who’s a good boy?”

“Eevee eevee eevee!” Patrick yelped happily, finishing his treat and looking up to the trainer with wide eyes.

Then Leah tackled him jealously, wriggling around on top of him so the zookeeper could tend to her belly as well. “Vee Veevee eevee!” She pouted, giving Gwen round, pouting eyes.

Gwen laughed aloud, picking up Leah and putting her beside her brother. “Luckily for you, I have two hands that I can share!” She cooed, rubbing both of their tummies. “I think we’re going to get along great.”Lost to satisfaction, both of the Eevees let out a happy “Eev!” In agreement. This would be the best job of their lives.

TF Types:
Man to Eevee
Woman to Eevee

Part of an art trade with MagicalTF ! I hope it's fluffy enough!
© 2015 - 2024 SketchySeraph
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RandomFlareon1's avatar

I need to take this job but I think I may be late.