
A Shaggy Night 2

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

(Woman to Old English Sheepdog)
(Old English Sheepdog to Woman to Old English Sheepdog)
(Woman to Old English Sheepdog)

Chloe pounded on the door to Sally’s house, heart hammering in her chest. She couldn’t help but liken today to yesterday, only there was one difference: this time, she was the one asking for help.

To think that she’d laughed at Sally’s panicked statements that she was transforming into a dog at night. To be fair, it had all sounded entirely ridiculous—until Chloe herself had begun to transform. Even now, she was sure there were white hairs among her dark black locks.

The thought was enough to send shivers up and down her spine, and Chloe rapped at the door again. “Hello?” She called out, fingering the pink dog collar she kept around her neck. While she normally wore it as a fashion statement; today it was surprisingly appropriate.

“Come on, Sally…” Chloe tapped her foot idly before giving into her temptation; finally using her backup key to open the door. “Is anyone home? Sally?”

A large Old English sheepdog greeted her, bounding up to her and licking her hand over and over. It seemed almost impossibly tame and friendly for an animal that Chloe knew Sally didn’t own. Which, impossible as it seemed, left only one conclusion…

“Sally?” Chloe gasped.

Her statement was rewarded with a loud bark and more licks. The sheepdog’s tail wagged madly, and she nuzzled her head into Chloe’s hands.

“Oh my God.” Chloe fell onto Sally’s sofa, staring at the sheepdog in shock. It seemed so impossible, but how could she deny what was right in front of her? There were piles upon piles of clothes around the floor, arranged in a trail as though someone had fallen out of them while walking.

That and the new dog left Chloe speechless, only able to stare at the sheepdog that was her friend. The girl watched numbly as Sally bounced up on the couch next to her, lying down in Chloe’s lap happily.

“So… Apparently you’re a dog now. That’s a little new.” Chloe muttered, scratching her friend behind her ears.

Sally huffed happily, her tail wagging as she nuzzled closer to Chloe. She looked up and yipped excitedly, pawing at Chloe’s hair.

“Yeah, yeah. It’s happening to me, too.” Chloe said, groaning aloud at the realization that the lighter strands of hair were really there; and not a figment of her imagination. They’d been like that since she transformed back to a human this morning.

Come to think of it, why wasn’t Sally a person again? Chloe realized that it might be a little while before Sally changed back and she sighed, moving to pick up the television remote. As she lifted it, Sally’s head lifted and her ears perked up, watching the object with interest.

Chloe froze halfway to turning on the TV, a slow smile dawning on her face. She moved the remote slightly up and down, watching as Sally’s eyes followed the device hungrily. Then, Chloe smiled and tossed it to the room’s recliner, laughing aloud as Sally sprung from her lap to fetch the remote.

“Okay, that’s new.” Chloe grinned, finally finding an upside to these changes. She’d transformed alone, and had no idea that the change had come along with some irresistible instincts. Come to think of it, she couldn’t really remember that much from her changes; she’d been so panicked that the whole night had gone by in a blur.

Now, though… She grinned as Sally padded over to her, dropping the remote and panting idly.

Chloe had always wanted a dog; and there was no sense in being bored when she could be having fun. The girl smiled to herself, scratching Sally behind her ears. To think that this dog had been human only a day before! How long had it been since she transformed? Hours? Minutes?

Sally yapped eagerly, her tail thumping on the ground as she panted. Chloe grinned from ear to ear, stroking and petting her friend’s fur before standing up and heading to Sally’s room. Sally was a big tennis buff, and she’d always used to keep her tennis balls in her closet, right by her shoes.

Chloe beamed as she saw that she was not mistaken in her assumption, a neat unopened can of tennis balls sitting in wait for her. She looked to it happily, picking it up and popping the lid with a refreshing crackling sound.

The girl looked to the sheepdog beside her with a bemused expression, seeing Sally’s ears were held pert; her tail wagging excitedly. Chloe cooed with amusement as Sally started to drool openly, panting and wagging her tail with excitement.

“Ooh? You want the ball? You want the ball?” Chloe grinned as Sally barked again and again, the girl’s eyes completely blank. “Then go fetch!” Chloe exclaimed, lobbing the ball forward with an experienced toss.

It sailed across the room, bouncing down the hall with that distinctive sound of rubber on tile. Sally immediately scampered after it, her dog’s brain taking control of her body. Chloe actually started towards it herself, needing to shake her head to ward off the remaining canine instincts.

It looked like this was a task impossibly for Sally, who was rolling around, playing with the ball. She kept snapping it up in her muzzle and dropping it, slobbering all over the tile and her new trophy.

“Come on girl, bring it back!” Chloe beamed, patting her knees. The girl waited for the sheepdog to return, laughing as Sally padded back proudly, ball held firmly in her mouth.

Sally’s tail wagged as she dropped the ball off before her friend, and she nudged it towards Chloe with an expectant whine.

Chloe laughed, picking up the ball and tossing it back to the living room. As expected, Sally bounded after it, her tail wagging madly as she ran to pick up the plaything. Again, she started playing with it rather than giving it back.

Chloe rolled her eyes, considering calling out to her transformed friend. Then, to her surprise, the rolling ball of fur started to grow a little. The fur shrank back into the sheepdog’s body as it started to expand back to more human proportions—more feminine proportions.

Already Sally’s hips and shoulders were reverting back to their original size and nature, her sheepdog’s belly shrinking to return to her an hourglass figure. The girl shivered and shook as she rolled about, whining loudly as her mouth shrank to be too-small for the tennis ball—though not for lack of trying.

Her forepaws became hands once more, and her canine hind paws slowly stretched out to human feet. Sally’s canine whines shifted to a more human tone as her ears shrank, and with a feminine gasp, the rest of her body finished its transformation to human.

Even if her mind didn’t seem to be fully there… Chloe watched for a few seconds more as her friend continued to roll about with a tennis ball in her mouth, before the girl finally had to clear her throat.

Sally stiffened as though shot, rolling onto her back to see Chloe standing above her with a bemused expression.

“So, this happens every night?” Chloe asked with a laugh.

Sally blushed but still held the tennis ball protectively in her hands—hands that were a good deal hairier now than Chloe remembered. “Yeah.”

“Gonna put that down now? You know it was just in a dog’s mouth.” Chloe nodded to the toy with a smile, noticing it was still dripping with drool. She decided to keep from mentioning Sally’s hands… At least for now.

“Oh. Oh!” Sammy looked down to it with wide eyes, before making a face as she looked up to Chloe again. “Was I chewing on it as a person?”

“A little.”

“That explains why my mouth tastes like dog drool.”

The two girls looked at each other for a moment, then laughed, both of them so glad to have found someone else to share their problems with. Finally, both of them ran out of air to laugh, and Chloe decided to break the silence with a question.

“So, do you have any idea why we changed?”

Sally looked back at her with a frown. “I’m not entirely sure...” Her frown turned into a small smile, and her eyes sparkled as she led into her next statement. “But I think that we’re not alone in changing.”

“Oh?” Chloe asked, extremely interested. “And what makes you say that?”

“My mom has white hair.” Sally grinned as she spoke, heading to her pile of clothes to pick out a bathrobe. Then she turned back, eagerly awaiting Chloe’s response.

Chloe couldn’t help but laugh out loud at how expectant her friend’s face looked. “Sweetie, your mom’s hair’s been white since we were in high school! Remember? She’s been going prematurely grey?”

Sally pouted, dropping to sit and glare up at her friend. “Not like this! She’s been grey; never pure white! Not to mention she’s stopped being a vegetarian, and she keeps watching dog shows!”

Chloe pondered that. On their own, the things might seem innocuous, but all-together; and knowing what happened to herself… Entirely possible. “So, should we ask her?” Chloe put it bluntly, looking at her friend with a small smile.

The door to Sally’s house clicked open and shut, and the girls looked up with wide eyes as Sally’s mother walked into the room. Despite some grey hair, the woman’s smiling face was almost supernaturally young, looking like she was fresh out of grad school.

“Ask who what?” Sally’s mother said with a smile, hefting up a bag of groceries.

Chloe’s eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at the bag, seeing bacon, veal, and… dog food? She grinned at the last one, looking up to Sally’s mother with a smile.

“Expecting a puppy, Mrs. Hayward?” Chloe asked with a grin.

“What? Oh, no.” Sally’s mother flushed, looking back at Chloe. “And please, it’s Lily.” She smiled, no doubt trying to change the subject.

But Chloe was doggedly determined to get to the bottom of this, and she smirked at Sally’s mother confidently. “Okay, Lily… Then why do you have dog food?”

Mrs. Hayward blushed, then looked to Sally, arching an eyebrow dramatically. “I think the real question is: ‘Why is my daughter basically naked’.”

Sally looked down to herself and squeaked loudly, scampering up to her room. Evidently she hadn’t realized how revealing her backup clothes were.

But Chloe wasn’t fooled; she could tell from a mile away that Mrs. Hayward had been expecting her daughter to look like that from the complete lack of reaction from the older woman when she walked into the house.

“What’s going on, Lily?” Chloe asked with a small smile. “I think you know just as well as Sally does… And as well as I do.”

Mrs. Hayward’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second, and she looked at Chloe with a small frown, noticing the white streak that now ran through the girl’s hair. “I see… But I assure you, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to drop these off, then head back to work.”

“Sounds fine by me!” Chloe smiled, waving good-bye as Mrs. Hayward scurried off to do her work.

Sally ran downstairs a few moments later, just in time to wave good-bye to her mother. Then she looked at Chloe expectantly.

“Don’t waste your breath in asking; she didn’t tell me a word.” Chloe sighed, then looked up to Sally with a grin. “But despite not saying anything, she also told me everything I needed to know.”

“And what’s that?” Sally asked, smiling back at her friend.

“She let me know we’re having a sleepover tonight!”

Sally’s face fell. “That’s your best idea?”

Chloe tutted, holding her finger up. “Oh ye of little faith! We’re going to transform tonight, right?”

“Probably…” Sally said, clearly not getting where Chloe was going with her thoughts. Then the girl’s eyes lit up as recognition dawned on her. “Which means Mom will too!”

Chloe snapped her fingers. “Bingo. And even though our doggy brains will take over, we’ll still be playing with her until the morning, when we change back.”

Sally nodded eagerly. “This is actually a pretty good plan!”

“Every now and then I come up with a good one.” Chloe said with a grin. “Now, let’s hurry up and buy some dog toys to leave outside as bait for her tonight.”

The girls laughed, setting their plan in motion. Before either of them knew it, it was rapidly approaching dusk, and the pair of young women felt the onset of change.

“Either we’ve been shopping for way longer than I thought, or I’m beginning to transform. My feet are killing me!” Sally whimpered, kicking off her shoes with a sigh of relief.

“I know, tell me about it.” Chloe chuckled a little before working at her own sneakers. Though she’d had them for months of running, they felt as though they hadn’t been broken in at all, and were oddly constraining her feet. She slipped them off and breathed a sigh of relief, just in time for her feet to start itching.

“Great.” Chloe muttered, looking up to Sally to find the girl shedding her socks. “Your feet itchy too?”

“Yep! Wow, I know this isn’t the best time for this, but I’m really excited to change with a friend for once! I’m literally itching with anticipation!”

Chloe groaned, slipping off her socks and tossing them at her friend. “Boo.” She said flatly.

A sound from upstairs made both of the girls perk up, and they could see Mrs. Hayward head downstairs. Better yet, the woman was barefoot and itching at her chest idly.

“Hi Mom!” Sally waved, and the woman froze, hurriedly hiding what looked to be a dog bowl behind her back. More to the point, she also stopped itching—though her fingers were clenching and unclenching like she was just barely repressing the urge to.

“Oh! You’re still awake?” Mrs. Hayward said, flushing madly. “I was just out… Getting some water.”

Chloe nodded at the dog bowl. “And that?” She did her best not to itch to give away her own transformation; she still wanted it to be a surprise when a doggified Mrs. Hayward found the toys they’d stashed in Sally’s backyard.

But damn, was it difficult! It was like there were little pins all over her body, slowly poking out of her body and warranting all of her attention. She really, really, really needed to scratch herself—but she couldn’t; not yet!

Mrs. Hayward blushed and itched at herself more, then turned to head back upstairs. “You know, I think I could get water from the upstairs bathroom. If we can brush our teeth in it, we can drink it, right?” She laughed nervously, then bolted upstairs.

The second Mrs. Hayward was out of sight, Chloe and Sally began to frantically scratch at themselves, groaning happily with delight. Sally kicked her leg a little as she itched herself and Chloe felt herself begin to pant idly, only barely managing to stop the action to beam at Sally.

Sally looked back to Chloe with a huge smile. “Oh, I’m so excited, I feel like…” She trailed off, whining happily as her spine extended behind her, cracking a little as it pushed out.

It was bare, but not for long—white hairs extended up and down it, making it look like a long and furry duster was attached to the girl’s backside. “It feels like my tail could wag like crazy!” She finished with a huge smile, waving her new appendage for emphasis.

The girl scampered to her bag, pulling out a small fold-out mirror and looking in it eagerly; wagging her tail more and gazing at it giddily.

Chloe chuckled, rolling her eyes, only to cross them a moment later as her nose tingled. While Sally’s transformation had started with her rear, Chloe’s face was beginning to feel funny.

She joined her friend, looking expectantly at her reflection with a smile. Chloe watched with growing interest as her nose darkened, turning upwards into a soft and spongy snout. Tonight she really was looking forward to these changes!

She breathed through her nostrils and her eyelids fluttered at the wealth of new sensations. Last time she’d been too panicked to fully note how good her sense of smell was, but right now she could see how superb it was! “Oh God, you need to have your nose change!” Chloe groaned, taking another long sniff as her face started to push out into a muzzle.

“And you need to have your feet change!” Sally giggled, wiggling her toes as they plumped up. Her nails tuned to claws, and the girl’s soles seemed to stretch as they became paw pads. The girl panted as she looked down at her feet, a smile settling on her face as they started to grow hair. No, not hair—fur! Thick, voluminous fur! She laughed happily, accidentally letting out a yip as her vocal chords began to change.

Chloe laughed back, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she began to pant with amusement. In her defense, Sally was acting a little silly. Not to mention the fact that Chloe also needed to pant in order to cool herself down. Her body was getting itchier and itchier and hotter and hotter with every passing second; she had no idea how sheepdogs could ever close their mouths!

Chloe looked down to her body to find herself growing a thick, luxurious coat of fur. She shook out her lengthening ears and growled under her breath, panting harder in an attempt to cool herself down. It wasn’t of much use though, her clothes were making her feel way too warm.

“Time to get naked, I suppose. This fur is killing me!” She complained, pulling off her shirt and shorts before the change could fully affect her hands. Already her feet were aching, and the girl looked down to see her feet beginning to stretch out.

Chloe whined with slight discomfort as her big toe shrank down to nothingness, still aching as it slid all the way up her foot to her ankle and becoming a dewclaw. Her other toes simply felt like someone was pumping them up, leaving them so awkwardly inflated. They certainly weren’t built for bipedal motion.

She watched her feet closely, making note of how her hair started to come in from the back of her toes; then from the sides of her feet. Chloe itched at them madly, still panting with delight. It was incredible to watch—like she was growing a pair of overly fuzzy socks!

Finally they seemed fully formed, and the sheepdog-to-be panted happily. Chloe rolled to her new paws, watching her hands stretch out just as Sally’s had. “I think that we’ll be finishing ourrr transformation soon.” She said, looking up to Sally to find the girl was almost entirely a sheepdog.

Sally nodded. “Rrrr’d urgrrrrrreee.” She managed, letting the last part draw out into a whine as her nose and mouth pushed out, her teeth reshaping to become more doglike. The girl barked loudly to test out her transformed vocal chords, but when she tried to speak again all that came out of her mouth were canine whines and whimpers.

“Grrd jrrrb.” Chloe huffed with amusement, not that much better herself. She shook her backside out as a long and furry tail extended from her backside. She let it wag from side to side idly, looking back at Sally with a smile. Then her head began to feel fuzzy, and Chloe whimpered as the last part of her transformation set in.

Once again, it was like her mind was a small pool of human thought, and a tsunami of canine instincts was flooding in, washing out the pool entirely. She could barely hold onto her name, and even that was only because of the dog collar around her neck.

She certainly couldn’t remember the name of the other dog in the room, but judging from her wagging tail, she must be a friend. Therefore, her name was now Friend. Chloe barked happily, shaking out her floppy ears as she looked at Friend expectantly. Friend shook her head too, as though getting something gross from her head.

Their transformations complete, the two dogs looked at one another excitedly and barked, running outside to play. Chloe loved playing with Friend! This was incredible; everything was so tailwaggy and fun! She barked happily, grabbing the end of one tug-of-war rope and pulling on it meaningfully.

Luckily, Friend was smart! Friend grabbed the other end and pulled on it too, challenging Chloe! She barked happily, then whined a little as Chloe almost pulled her off balance.

Chloe grinned from behind her muzzle. Smart or not, Friend was going to have a tough time on her paws if she thought this contest would be won just like that! She wagged her tail and dug in deeper, pulling back against Friend as best she could.

Then a new smell graced Chloe’s nostrils, and from the way Friend dropped the rope, Chloe knew that Friend recognized her too! The two looked to the backdoor of the house as a new playmate emerged, another Old English Sheepdog. Except this one smelled a lot like Friend; but also like age.

Sure enough, Friend bounded up to the new entry, licking her all over and nuzzling her.

Chloe barked happily, looking at what could only be Friend’s mother. She’d need a new name for this dog, maybe… Friendmom! Perfect! Chloe pawed over on all fours, happily barking and bringing a new squeaky toy that three dogs could play with.

Friendmom latched onto the squeaky toy almost immediately, her tail wagging excitedly like she’d been waiting all night to play with Chloe and Friend. Chloe loved this new development, and barked eagerly as Friend joined in, the three of them playing well into the night.

Chloe awoke the next morning blearily, shaking her head and finding a Frisbee in her mouth. She spit it out and looked to her left to see Sally curled up beside her; the girl’s hands and feet completely filthy. “Hey, wake up, sleepy!” She called, licking the other girl’s face.

Sally squealed, rolling to all fours and shaking herself off in a doglike fashion before looking at Chloe with wide eyes. “Wait… What happened last night?”

“I don’t know, I can’t remember…” Chloe admitted, looking left and right for Mrs. Hayward. But try as she might, she couldn’t see the other woman anywhere. Chloe frowned as she tried to recall what had happened last night, but it had all been like a doggy dream, and trying to remember was like trying to hold grains of sand. “All I remember is there were 2 more dogs besides myself, and we had a lot of fun…” Chloe’s butt started to wiggle a little in an approximation of a wag.

Sally smiled hazily. “Yeah…” Her face fell slightly. “But it’s a shame we couldn’t confirm that other dog was Mom…” The girl sighed, running her hands through her hair and leaving streaks of dirt in the white-and blonde scalp she now sported.

“Or maybe not…” Chloe grinned, inspiration striking her as she saw her friend’s dirty hair. “Quick, we have to get to your mom’s bathroom; no time to explain!”

The girls ran back into the house and up the stairs, finding the shower already beginning to run. They threw the door open and found Mrs. Hayward standing guiltily, about to enter the warm running water.

Luckily for Chloe, the woman had filthy hands and feet just like the other former canines. Unluckily for Sally, Mrs. Hayward was also completely naked.

“Oh God!” Sally squeaked, covering her eyes. “Why did I think this was a good idea!”

At the same time, Chloe pointed and grinned. “I knew it!” She exclaimed happily.

Mrs. Hayward sighed, noticing the girls’ dirty hands. “Well, damn.”

“‘Damn’?” Sally asked, regaining some of her senses. “I’ve been changing into a dog every night for the past few days, and all you have to say is ‘damn’?”

Mrs Hayward sighed again, louder this time. “Well, yes. I was hoping I was the only one to transform, but it seems that I’m utterly mistaken.” She looked to Chloe with a slight smile. “So that’s why you were so determined to ask me about the dog food I’d bought.”

Chloe nodded, her eyes widening as what the woman said processed in her mind. “Wait… Do you know what the cause of this is?”

Mrs. Hayward pursed her lips tightly, as though debating whether or not to tell the girls. In the end, it seemed her maternal concern won out over whatever secrecy she was bound to uphold. “Well, you know how I sometimes do medical research for the government… I was infected with a new virus called canine transformation disorder in order to better understand it. Unfortunately, I didn’t show any symptoms, so they had to let me go… I returned home, and; well…” Mrs. Hayward spread her hands to reveal that they weren’t just dirty; they were still canine paws.

“Wait… Do we fully change forever?” Sally squeaked with concern, looking down to her feet to find her nails tipped with doglike claws.

“Ideally, no.” Mrs. Hayward sighed. “On the first round, you change at night, with random daytime transformations happening, too. Each time you revert, you change back in body less and less but you retain more of your mind with each transformation. This goes on until you’re a dog with a human’s brain.”

“Then what?” Chloe asked, with wide eyes.

Mrs. Hayward shrugged. “You revert back to a human, and maybe change into a dog randomly every now and then? Hopefully one with a human brrrain? Oh damn.”

The girls’ eyes widened as they looked at Sally’s mother, who had begun to sprout hair all over her face.

“Well, crrrap. Strrrpid drrraytime changes.” She managed, working her jaw as her jaw started to crack and reshape; forming a full muzzle. The woman rolled her eyes, falling to all fours of her own will before the transformation forced her to.

As Mrs. Hayward’s hands and feet met the cool tile, fur started to sprout from the rest of her skin, making her already look more dog than human. She started to pant, looking up to her daughter from her position on the floor.

“Rruff! Rrriff! Irrrif yrrr trrrnsfrrrm, grrrt crrrlrrrrrr.” She managed through her developing muzzle. The woman rolled her eyes, then pointed to the pink collar around Chloe’s neck with a dwindling finger.

Chloe grinned, looking to Mrs. Hayward with a patronizing smile. “What’s that, girl? Timmy’s in the well?”

The changing sheepdog growled lowly, sprouting a tail that hung low between her legs. Her ears perked as they grew long and floppy, and the woman shook her head out as her body contracted to more doglike proportions.

She shook her head out as the intelligence seemed to drain from her eyes, and the woman had barely enough time to manage a “Lrrrve yrrrr-arf!” Then, just like that, the dog had overwhelmed her, and she panted idly, looking up at the girls she no doubt considered to be her masters now.

Sally looked down in surprise, turning to Chloe with a bemused expression. “This is too surreal…”

Chloe nodded in agreement, looking down at the dog that was technically responsible for all of this. Then she looked back to her friend, arching an eyebrow. “So… What do we do now?”

The girls pondered the question for a moment, then Chloe’s eyes widened. “Oh my God. We went shopping for dog toys…”

“… And stopped at the McDonald’s for lunch with Wendy!” Sally finished, her face pale too. “How many people do you think that we infected?” She brushed one of her hairy hands through her hair, which still had the telltale white streaks of transformation in it.

Chloe grabbed her friend’s hand in hers, looking the girl in the eyes. “I don’t know, but I think I know how we can tell if someone changed or not…” Heart hammering, the runner started to think of how to best tell the town to expect some changes.

TF Types:
Woman to Old English Sheepdog
Old English Sheepdog to Woman to Old English Sheepdog
Woman to Old English Sheepdog

In another commission by internmatt , we see a follow-up to Chloe's experiences in 'A Shaggy Night'!
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MagicalTF's avatar
Dun dun dun
How will our heros get out of this hairy situation?